Try to keep him off rotation as he can't take a hit but he can seal, which is helpful on the occasion. This is the best leader for the Super Saiyan 3 Category, so you have to use him. he has very good defense and is one of the hardest hitters on the team. Super Saiyan 3 Goku after his EZA is a beast in this event. His stun chance is what put him on the other main rotation and even though he is only an SSR/UR he does fairly well. Super Saiyan 3 Xeno Goku is a star of this event, the only thing that holds him back is that he can take quite a bit of damage if you are not careful. He hits very hard in stages 1 and 3, due to type advantage, and was able to get him to SSG 2 out of the 3 fights. Transforming Goku shines really well in this event. Mine has rainbow stats so you might be able to put other options in instead of him. He is not a unit you want to have on main rotation due to his low defense. Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks is a semi reliable unit due to his ability to eat damage but also deal it out in the 2nd and 3rd stage. He deals out alright damage in the 1st and 3rd fight due to type advantage. His 50% chance for stuns is the reason why I left him on main rotation. Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta is a fantastic tank and a super reliable unit for this team. Super Saiyan 3 Bardock is a great support unit and the only leader for the team, he does decent damage and can tank fairly well.